SCRIP Program

What is SCRIP?
SCRIP is a program whereby you can purchase gift certificates that are used just like cash. The SCRIP is issued by the national and local retailers where you already shop. These merchants want to support non-profit organizations, and in return ask you to support them by shopping with scrip at their stores.
Groceries, clothing, toys, gifts, even gasoline can be purchased with SCRIP, and with every purchase you earn revenue to support the Operating Budget at First United Methodist Church of Ypsilanti. A percentage of each gift card – from 2 to 15 percent or more – stays with FUMC.
SCRIP is a great way to support the ongoing needs of the church without having to buy anything you don’t need – you simply continue purchasing things you would normally buy, only you pay for all or a part of those purchases with SCRIP.
How can I get SCRIP?
There are a couple of ways to purchase scrip from FUMC. One is to stop by the SCRIP Table during Social Hour on Sundays, fill out an order form and pay with check or cash.
The second option that is recently available is online ordering through ShopWithScrip.com. By setting up an account at ShopWithScrip.com, you can place your order from any internet-connected computer and can even choose to pay for your order online using PrestoPay to electronically debit your checking account.