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Building Use



We believe baptism proclaims God’s gracious gift of inclusion into God’s family.  It proclaims our adoption through grace and our membership in the community of all Christians.  


In baptism, we respond to this gracious gift by our intention to be faithful disciples, growing in faith and by participating in Christ’s ministry of outreaching love You may be baptized as an infant, child, youth or adult.  


The United Methodist Church recognizes baptisms from other Christian churches. To learn more about Baptism, or to schedule your baptism, contact the pastor at 734-482-8374.




Confirmation is the time when young people make a personal decision to confirm the vows made for them at their baptism.




We believe that sharing with couples as they bind their lives together in the Spirit of Christ is one of the most important ministries of the Church. 


Call 734-482-8374 for more information.




Building Rental

Related Links:

First United Methodist Church of Ypsilanti houses activities which constitute being a Church. During times when the spaces are not used for Church activities, we are happy to provide space for Not-For-Profit organizations whose missions align with our own.  Because of the high cost of maintenance and utilities, it is necessary for building users to help defray these costs. These facilities are available to groups that are open to the public-at-large and whose goals are consistent with those of the Church and its mission. We welcome all people regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation.


Click to get a Building Use Request form.  You will receive a confirmation telephone call and/or email from the Church Administrator when the event request is approved or denied by the Trustees.  Approved event requests are calendared after approval, and facility and equipment availability is verified.  NO EVENTS ARE TO BE PUBLICIZED BEFORE APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST.









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