Congregational Care

Caring For You In All Stages of Life
Our Congregational Care team has Pastors, staff and volunteers who are committed to caring for you and walking with you through life’s events. To schedule an appointment with the pastor call 734-482-8374.
Small Groups
One way we come to care for and know each other is through small groups. There are several small groups, both formal and informal, that meet regularly to share together and work together. These groups are always open to members and non-members alike.
Caring Connection
The Caring Connection is a group of volunteers that maintains contact with congregation members who are unable to attend Church services and activities. This group provides regular home visits, cards, notes, Communion and even meal arrangements for those in stressful situations.
The Caring Connection team also has a grief ministry component which provides printed booklets at critical times during the first year after a significant loss. Transportation assistance for Church attendance is available on a limited basis for those who no longer are able to drive. The Mobility Assistance ministry ensures that there is a volunteer at the West Door on Sunday mornings for those who need help with getting into the Church.