Effective 3/2/2022
First UMC Ypsilanti is asking that everyone who is unvaccinated to wear a mask during Worship or while in the building. We also ask whose who have a chronic condition, working with children, or would feel safer to wear a mask. We request that you wear a N95/KN95 style mask or a hospital style mask. Masks are available at the Welcome Station by the West Door.
If you are vacinated and willing to accept the risk, wearing a mask is optional.
This policy is to protect everyone from the various COVID-19 variants.
Effective 1/20/2022
Based on the review of current COVID data and with an abundance of caution for the safety of everyone
using our building, the following revised procedures must be followed when entering and using the church
Worship Open to All
All persons may attend the live Sunday 9:30 worship at the church. Please join us in person for worship!
Will Sunday worship continue to be live streamed?
If you aren’t comfortable attending live Sunday worship, the service will continue to be live-streamed. You will find the link to the streamed worship service on the Home Page.
Personal Health Screening
Prior to coming to church to worship in person or entering our building we ask you to self-screen for any COVID symptoms. If you are experiencing any symptoms, then we ask that you do not enter the building. With the highly contagious Omicron variant, this is especially important.
COVID Procedures for entering and using the spaces within the church building
1. Please use hand sanitizer when entering (and exiting) the church building.
2. An N95 or KN 95 mask or hospital must be worn at all times while in the building. Wear it properly over your nose and mouth. Cloth masks are not acceptible.
3. Please try to maintain social distancing.
4. Remember to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer frequently.
Restroom Use
Please remember to wash your hands before leaving the restroom.
Elevator Use
To allow for social distancing, only 1 person/1 household should be in the elevator at one time. Maintain social distance to allow person(s) to exit elevator.
Groups Using the Church Building
Groups are able to use the church building. Groups meeting in the church shall follow the same masking and food requirements. And some groups have found the zoom format more conducive to meeting; each group can decide what will work best for them.
All building use is to be scheduled through the Church Administrator (Kim). One person from the group must be designated as the “Group Coordinator” and is responsible for contacting the Church Administrator to schedule the meeting and to review their responsibilities for use of the building (i.e. - understanding the new building use procedures and making sure all members of the group follow these procedures).
If the meeting is at a time when the Church Administrator is not present, the group coordinator is responsible
for opening, disarming the alarm, and setting the alarm upon exiting the building.
Kitchen Use
At this time, the kitchen area remains CLOSED. No food or drink items should be consumed in the church building.
Social hour will not resume yet.
If you have not yet been vaccinated or received your booster, we strongly encourage you to do so!
The COVID-19 response team includes Ed Smith (Chair), Lisa Friedman, Gerry Conti, Mark McClure, and Dr. Don.