2020 Church Caring Tree to Help Local Families at Christmas
The church is again:
-Providing gifts to 13 families with 37 children ranging in age from 2 months to 17 years old;
-Providing each family with a food basket and a Kroger gift card for meat and fresh vegetables;
-Providing mittens, gloves, hats, and scarves for needy children.
COVID-19 has caused a few changes. The church is open Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10:15 am to 3:15 pm and you may come to church and take a bulb off the tree. We ask that you call Kim, our church administrator, prior to coming down to the church. Please take the red bulb and put your name and phone number on the back of green bulb and return the green bulb to the tree.
If you wish to provide a gift for one of the children and you can’t get to the church, call Betty Johnston at 734-485-0262. She will have the master list and will share the ages of children and their suggestions/needs.
The food sign up chart is near the Caring Tree and will be at church on Tuesday and Wednesday or you can call Sue Brown at 734-368-1826. If you are unable to shop and prefer to donate money toward the food basket and gift cards for the perishable foods, we would be happy to do your shopping. If you have questions regarding food baskets, call Sue Brown at 734-368-1826. Please make checks payable to First
United Methodist Church (write Christmas baskets/gifts on memo part of check) and mail to FUMC, 209 Washtenaw, Ypsilanti, MI 48197.
Please have NON-PERISHABLE food items to the church by WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9 and PERISHABLE food items and WRAPPED GIFTS to the church no later than SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13.
If you need help in shopping or getting items to the church, call, Betty or Sue. It is very important to write the family number and child’s name on the wrapped package.